Porteous Lodge
Porteous Lodge is a home, not unlike most homes. There are daily activities and chores, time spent enjoying a delicious meal and people coming and going. At Porteous Lodge, our focus is our residents. We support people with a variety of challenges and needs by providing assistance with their day-to-day living including nursing and spiritual care, social and recreational activities, physical and occupational therapy services, excellent meals and personal attention. Everything is done with the individual in mind. Porteous Lodge contains a number of neighbourhoods made up of residents, their families and staff who work in each area. This model of living encourages the development of real relationships through meaningful contact, spontaneity, autonomy, joint-decision making, sharing of talents, activities, pet care and the ability to give and receive care. Porteous Lodge is a 95-person accredited long-term care home located on Avenue P North in the Mount Royal neighbourhood of Saskatoon.

Move - Ins
Moving into Porteous Lodge is handled by the Client Patient Assessment Services (CPAS) of the Saskatchewan Health Authority, as all long-term care spaces are prioritized on an urban or rural basis.
Monthly charges are set by the Ministry of Health based on an individual’s income. Move-ins are limited to individuals who require assistance with all the activities of their daily living and who have been placed on the priority waiting list of CPAS, Saskatchewan Health Authority.
Rental Fees
$1305 - $3246
As of July 1st 2023
My name is Marie H. I have lived at Porteous Lodge for close to 15 years.
I have been through a lot while at Porteous Lodge. What has gotten me through it all, are the staff. They are kind, compassionate, and will help whenever possible.
I could have left this facility in 2006, but decided to stay
because of the caring staff that provide care and other
essential things like laundry.
I was talking to Carmen Doucette, the other day. We were discussing my leaving. She told me that I cannot go anywhere. I know she was only kidding but, she had some truth in it; for, she would be first in line to make sure I didn’t leave for that is what this place means: it is a family where everybody cares about everybody else.
Marie H.

24-hour nursing care
Physical and occupational therapy
Social and recreational activities including a para-transit bus for outings
Spiritual and compassionate care
Medical care (provided by current family physicians, or by a physician who regularly visits the home)
Single and shared rooms
Lodge Community Association
Volunteer Program
Library services provided by the Saskatoon Public Library
Fee for Service
We Care Foot Care Program
Contracted pharmacy and laboratory services